March 27, 2008
March 20, 2008
Tagged--My Husband
I was tagged by another friend, but this time it was about Mike. I actually had a hard time finding pictures of just him, but lucky him, I found this one of him IN SPANDEX!!! He's gonna love me for that:) So here goes...

What is his name? Michael Edward Salway
How long have we been together? 12 years:)
How old is he? 33 (right, honey?!)
How long did we date? We started dating in February and then left each other for the together about 4 months...apart about 2 months.
Who said I love you first? This is actually a fun story...but I'll make it short. I was taking a sign language class at the time and was teaching him some along the way. So we were sitting at a devotional at the Marriott Center and he signed it to me. I think that counts.
Who is taller? Him, but we both got the short end of that deal!!
Who can sing better?
Who does the laundry? Me, but he helps out when he sees it has been a long day:)
Who pays the bills? Me, and he doesn't help out with that.
Who sleeps on the right side? Mike
Who mows the lawn? Mike, and I have never helped out with that.
Who drives? Mike
Who kissed who first? He definitely went in for the kill first.
Who proposed? Mike
Who is more stubborn? This may be a toss up, but realistically, it is probably me.
Who has more siblings? Mike has one more in his family.
March 11, 2008
Where was I 10 years ago:
I was living in Provo, UT going to school full time, pregnant with my first child:) Wow, that seems like so long ago!!
Things on my "To Do" list today:
Breakfast @ Melissa's, Costco stop, organize toys (which didn't get done), laundry (as always!), pick up kids from school, make dinner, take back movies, get gas, work on church file system, read,...Man I live a pretty boring life!!! (Except for the breakfast of course!)
Things I would do if I became a Billionaire:
Take my kids on all those fun vacation spots like the Bahamas and a Disney cruise line of course. I would hopefully visit our families a lot more than we do now. I would hire a maid and a cook so I could spend all my time hanging out with the kids!!! Oh, and a personal trainer:) And I would give the BEST birthday presents.
3 of my bad habits:
1. Wasting time.
2. Jumping to the wrong conclusion.
3. Gossiping. ( I hate that word! EWWW!)
5 Places I've lived.
1. Omaha, NE
2. Provo, UT
3. Orem, UT (big stretch)
4. Reno, NV
5. Sparks, NV (another big stretch)
5 Jobs I've had.
1. Newspaper carrier:)
2. Kindercare
3. Dip'n Dots
4. Babysitter (stretching again)
5. Concessions at UVSC (Thanks J.D.)
Wow, I really had to stretch that out. I haven't had many jobs in my day. Of course Mom for the past 10 years should've made the list on numbers 1-5!!!!
Something most people don't know about me:
I got this idea from Kendra! I am actually a closet "Prison Break" watcher. SSHHHHH!! Don't tell anyone, though. It is my dirty little secret. I have watched it since it came out, and I just can't stop. It doesn't hurt that the main character, MICHAEL SCOFFIELD, is H-O-T!! (Which is another dirty little secret, so don't tell anyone.
Well, hopefully you all learned SOMETHING new about me. Now it is my turn to tag some of my friends!! I TAG Melissa, Julie W., & Jamie.
I was living in Provo, UT going to school full time, pregnant with my first child:) Wow, that seems like so long ago!!
Things on my "To Do" list today:
Breakfast @ Melissa's, Costco stop, organize toys (which didn't get done), laundry (as always!), pick up kids from school, make dinner, take back movies, get gas, work on church file system, read,...Man I live a pretty boring life!!! (Except for the breakfast of course!)
Things I would do if I became a Billionaire:
Take my kids on all those fun vacation spots like the Bahamas and a Disney cruise line of course. I would hopefully visit our families a lot more than we do now. I would hire a maid and a cook so I could spend all my time hanging out with the kids!!! Oh, and a personal trainer:) And I would give the BEST birthday presents.
3 of my bad habits:
1. Wasting time.
2. Jumping to the wrong conclusion.
3. Gossiping. ( I hate that word! EWWW!)
5 Places I've lived.
1. Omaha, NE
2. Provo, UT
3. Orem, UT (big stretch)
4. Reno, NV
5. Sparks, NV (another big stretch)
5 Jobs I've had.
1. Newspaper carrier:)
2. Kindercare
3. Dip'n Dots
4. Babysitter (stretching again)
5. Concessions at UVSC (Thanks J.D.)
Wow, I really had to stretch that out. I haven't had many jobs in my day. Of course Mom for the past 10 years should've made the list on numbers 1-5!!!!
Something most people don't know about me:
I got this idea from Kendra! I am actually a closet "Prison Break" watcher. SSHHHHH!! Don't tell anyone, though. It is my dirty little secret. I have watched it since it came out, and I just can't stop. It doesn't hurt that the main character, MICHAEL SCOFFIELD, is H-O-T!! (Which is another dirty little secret, so don't tell anyone.
Well, hopefully you all learned SOMETHING new about me. Now it is my turn to tag some of my friends!! I TAG Melissa, Julie W., & Jamie.
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