School and I have a love/hate relationship. I get so excited at the end of the summer for a routine back. For trips to the grocery store with less than 4 kids. For a little bit of quiet, and not so much fighting! But then again, we get back into math facts, and the dreaded homework, and being too busy to cook dinner, or having one-on-one time with anyone! You get the point. I think the kids have the same love/hate relationship with school that I do. They get to see their friends more and their siblings less:) They definitely can't say they're bored anymore! Yet they have the dreaded H word, and they get too busy to even have friends come over to play. No more playstation, computer, swimming all day. I guess we all have to come to grips. School & Summer are all a part of look on the bright side of things. As soon as you get used to your kids having a routine and being back in school, it will be summer again!!!
BTW...Aren't these kids totally cute?!
Adorable!!! You are such a good mom! #5 is getting close! Is your mom coming out??? Did you get my email or post about the Goddards? Remember Chelsea? Dave, Anne and the other one had a weird name?
Awh, they ARE so cute!! I miss them!! I can't believe little Nathan is even old enough to be in school! I hope everything goes well with baby 5 coming so soon!!
Cuties! Can you believe that you sent 3 off this year. How quiet it must be. You have to be close to that baby coming. Keep us posted! and Good Luck hope it all goes smooth.
I think your daughter looks like Michelle. Am I right? Does anyone who has seen Michelle in 15+ years see it?
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