WE MADE IT!! Some of you may not know this, but I got accepted to BYU-Hawaii back when I was making the decision of where to go to college. It was a tough choice, but I went to Utah instead...vowing that I would make it to Hawaii someday. When Mike and I got married, I told him this and he was
totally on board! We planned it for our 10 year anniversary. But when that came and went, we started looking at each other and thinking, when are we going to go?? Well, just when it had been a while since we had had a "vacation", and Mike had racked up quite a few miles, we decided that this was our chance. We feel very blessed that we had this opportunity. So here is a glimpse of the bliss we felt in Hawaii!

This is the view from our hotel room. Not too shabby!
I got leied:)

The first full day, we spent at Pearl Harbor. It was such a neat day. The Memorial over the USS Arizona was a solemn and humbling experience. I couldn't stop thinking about the movie "Pearl Harbor" that made it so real to me. We were so glad we could pay homage to the people who died serving us and our country.

Hanauma Bay--this was some of the best snorkeling around. (or so they told us:)

This is the view from Diamond Head. Just a small hike for such an amazing view!

The Hawaii temple was closed while we were there. They are gutting and remodeling the whole thing, so it won't be open til late next summer. But we did get to tour the visitors center and take some pics. We met "Brother" Eubank from Utah otherwise known as "Mark Eubank--the weather guy". He works there. We were ok that the temple was closed--that just means we have to go back!!

I took these pictures for you-mom! Nothing better than cruising around Oahu with the top down in a red stang!

Polynesian Cultural Center. By far, the most fun day we had.

CAN'T pick your friend's nose, Mike!

This was actually a funny story. When we checked into the hotel, the bell boy asked us where we were from. When we said Fresno, he asked if we were here for the game, in which our reply was..."what game?" He then informed us that Fresno State was coming to play against Hawaii that Saturday. What a coincidence!! So sure! We were indeed there for the game:) We spanked them. And we got rained out! But it was still fun!

more pictures

Mike being daring! That is actually him jumping!

Truly a memorable trip. We are ready to go back!!